How much wildlife can you spot?

We have been called "The Absolute Best Place to See Platypus in Tasmania". Follow this link to read more. In fact The Australian Platypus Monitoring Network reports that Founders Lake "currently holds the honour of being the most productive single site [in Australia] to see a platypus" (see their website). A little patience is usually rewarded with sightings at any time of the day.

Around 81 species of birds have been recorded at the site. Native hens abound.

As well as the platypus, marsupials are also present in the form of possums, macropods (Bennetts wallabies, pademelons, pottoroos and betongs) and (very rarely) Tasmanian devils. Echidnas (a monotreme relative of the platypus) can be seen on occasions.

Possums and wallbies are something of a problem when it comes to establishing new plantings due to their propensity for stripping off bark or, indeed, eating whole small trees.

