our mission

The Tasmanian Arboretum Inc. is dedicated to the development of an arboretum of international standard.

We cannot afford to neglect trees. They supply our physical needs for buildings, furniture, fibres, food and fuel. They are also essential world wide for preservation of the environment, soil and water stability and the renewing of the air we breathe. They are also essential to supply our spiritual needs. Their beauty, strength, sense of permanence and peace are all vital to mandkind's well-being today and should be so for our children.

If you are interested you can download our rules (constitution) here.

Our objectives

  • To plant the widest possible range of species both Australian and exotic in order to study and exemplify species suited to the local environment.
  • To plan the landscaping and plantings so that a beautiful tree park(s) may be created and maintained for the enjoyment of both local residents and visitors.
  • To encourage the wise planting of tree species in Tasmania for domestic, public and economic purposes.
  • To provide a live tree reference and herbarium for tree species recognition and a library for use by education authorities, forestry interests and the public.
  • To maintain parental material and a seed bank for future propagation needs.
  • To undertake propagation of species not available elsewhere in Tasmania.
  • To maintain close collaboration with the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, other Australian Botanical Gardens, the International Associations of Botanical Gardens, and other organisations with common interests.
  • To undertake such other related activities as may arise.