The Kiosk opens September to May from 11am to 4pm. With increasing patronage putting pressure on inadequate volunteer numbers, the offerings are limited.
An ideal solution would be for a private contractor to take over operation of the existing food outlet at The Tasmanian Arboretum Inc, 46 Old Tramway Rd Eugenana. Further Information may be obtained by contacting the Arboretum at
The Tree Park Kiosk, also known as the Brendan Layton Memorial Kiosk (BLMK) has been operated by volunteers since the 1990’s.
People are guided toward the Kiosk by the path system.
Recently it operated from September to May inclusive which fitted with the tourist season and from 11am to 4pm, hours that fitted with the volunteer’s available time.
It has served hot and cold drinks and light refreshments such as homemade ice-cream, a small selection of toasted sandwiches or Devonshire teas. Also, Entry payments were taken and information about the site’s features provided.
The operating space is divided into a small kitchen/ scullery area and a larger serving area.
The kitchen scullery has some bench space, shelves and cupboards, a quick boil machine, a microwave, a sandwich toaster and a dishwasher.
The serving area has shelving containing crockery, an ice-dream freezer, a refrigerator and a small freezer. There is a bench to serve from.
The original BLMK had a verandah along the front. This area has some shelving used for merchandise, a refrigerator and a visitor information board. One end has a window.
Down 3 steps is a deck area enclosed by a wall with windows on the windward side and six pull down blinds between the post holding up the roof on the other two. Outside is a deck led to by two ramps, one against the wall with windows.
Currently in the deck area are Visitor Guides, an information board and some pictures. There are 6 square ‘café’ tables, some 16 chairs and a hand disinfectant dispenser.
On the outside deck are 2 benches.
There is an unattended payment point on the outside of the Kiosk to facilitate electronic payments.
We envisage using the Education Centre as an information centre with Arboretum merchandise and staffed by volunteers.
The minimum we would like to see is a daily operation for the shoulder and high visitor seasons. What the right mix of hours and offers might be has not been explored by the Arboretum because of the volunteer nature of the operation.
Depreciation on the building and equipment.
Maintenance of the building.
Power, which is not separately metered.
Water, which is not separately metered.
Both parties would enter into a lease agreement covering the period of a lease and a payment schedule.