In common with many volunteer organisations, the aging population in general and the seemingly low priority of service to one’s community means that the issue of generational change within becomes quite a serious issue.
The survival of so many community bodies relies heavily on the efforts of a few dedicated individuals which gives so much extra enrichment and enjoyment to the wider community in which they live.
The Tasmanian Arboretum is no exception to these problems and succession planning is looming as a pressing issue for us.
The list of positions/roles below serves as a rather sobering snapshot of roles which are deemed vital to the effective operation of the Arboretum in fulfilling its mission. Not all are currently filled which only serves to increase the workload of active volunteers – very likely leading to “burnout” in all but the most dedicated.
Honorary auditor
Newsletter editor
Education Officers (3+)
Tree Accessions & Recording
Kiosk Manager
Living Collections Committee
Senior Vice-president
General Committee Chairman
Public Officer
Assistant Newsletter Editor
Arts and Events Co-ordinator
Tree Sponsorships & Recording
Assistant Kiosk Manager
Nursery Operator
Second Vice-president
Minutes Secretary / Index Archivist
Membership Officer
Site Hire Officer
Living Collections Chairman
General Committee Members
Publicity Officer
Social Media Manager
Fundraising & Sponsorship
Tree Collections Curators (8+)
Living Collections Secretary
If the philosophy of The Tasmanian Arboretum Inc. resonates with you and you think you might be able to fulfil some role in assisting the Arboretum, we warmly invite you to offer your services. Alternatively you might be interested in, or more comfortable with, shadowing or assisting an existing office bearer.
It’s not necessary to have any botanical knowledge, and volunteers need not disqualify themselves from a role because they are not in a position to do physical work. As you can see from the list of positions/roles there is plenty to do. Indeed a prospective volunteer may well have skills and knowledge not covered by the descriptions listed but can see a way their input will assist the Arboretum. It doesn’t matter how large or small a contribution you are prepared to make as every bit helps. You don’t even need to be a Member of TAI for many tasks although we always welcome new members.
Please do give this appeal some thought and, if circumstances are not quite right just now, we do hope that you keep the idea in mind for future consideration.