support us by becoming a member

You can help to grow this community asset by joining us and becoming a member. Your membership will aid us by demonstrating the popularity of the Arboretum to grant-making bodies and assists with funding of our operations. We offer several categories of membership with entitlements as follows:


  • free entry to the Arboretum
  • receipt of the quarterly Newsletter
  • access to the member’s area of the website
  • one vote at a General Meeting
  • may assist in the running of the Arboretum by serving on one of its committees
  • enjoy the pleasure of working with others whilst helping us, as a volunteer, in growing the Arboretum.


  • provides both people the entitlements as listed for a single member, including
  • one vote each at a General Meeting

Club, Society or Other Organisation

  • smaller, bona fide, not-for-profit clubs, societies, service organisations and may also include small businesses
  • entitles the organisations’s members to free access to the Arboretum when they are at an event held by that organisation at the Arboretum
  • receipt of the quarterly Newsletter, and
  • one vote at a General Meeting


To apply, renew or gift a Membership, please download this PDF Membership Form, fill in the relevant details then send it back to us by whatever means is appropriate to your chosen method of payment. The relevant instructions and addresses are listed on the form. (Note: Some browsers like Firefox don't support filling forms and you will need to use a different browser or save the file to your computer first).

If you would like more information please phone or email us or, of course, you can come out and see us.